Children and Youth Ministries
Much of our ministry to, with, and by children and youth happens on Sunday mornings. Learn more about it on this page.

Nursery Care

Nursery Care is offered each Sunday during the worship service for the youngest children in our congregation. Screened adult volunteers take turns caring for these kids, leading them with stories and craft projects. This program is available in Room 4.

Children's Sunday School

Children and youth begin each Sunday morning in the sanctuary for worship service and after the “Time with Children” portion of the service, leave for their Sunday School classes. On communion Sundays, they are encouraged to return to the worship service so they can participate in the sacrament with the rest of the congregation.

We have created our own curriculum using contemporary children™s books that focus on spirituality, Christian values, inclusivity, peace, love, and understanding. These classes are provided for toddlers through middle school.

Summer Camping

Both the Northern California Nevada Conference of the United Church of Christ and the Christian Church Northern California-Nevada Region of the Disciple of Christ offer summer camping programs that Niles Discovery Church is very active in. Camps are offered for children and youth entering 2nd through 12th grade, as well as multi-generational camps and adult camps. You can learn more about these outdoor ministry programs at the NCNC-UCC Conference website and the CCNC-N website.

Niles Discovery Church encourages the participation of our children and youth and helps pay for their attendance with funds raising through our program (read more on the scrip program on this page).

Scrip Program

Scrip Program Scrip is store and restaurant gift cards that can be spent the same as cash with that particular merchant. They are sold during fellowship time after the worship service almost every week. Each time you use scrip, a percentage of the face value goes to the program. The percentage varies depending on the merchant and can range between 2% and 20%.

Youth Sunday School

During the school year, our Junior and High School youth meet in the choir room during the Sunday School time. On the first and third Sundays, a class is taught, designed to engage the youth in their own faith development. On the other Sundays, the gathering is a youth group meeting.

Youth Group

Our Junior/Senior Hight Youth Group meets at Sunday School Time during the worship service on the second, fourth, and fifth Sundays of the month in the choir room. The youth group has additional special activities from time to time during the month. Youth group meetings are a time to develop friendships, build trust, service others, and learn more. Activities might include a trip to a neighboring faith community to learn more about them or preparing a skit for the church-wide talent show - or just checking in with each other. More information may be found on the "Youth" bulletin board in Ford Hall.

Permission slips are needed for off-site activities. You can download the permission slip here.

Confirmation Class

Every few years, Niles Discovery Church offers a Confirmation Class for youth (and interested adults) to prepare them to make a choice about taking on the responsibilities of being a disciple of Jesus. For people who were baptized at birth, this means reaffirming their baptism and taking on the responsibilities of the baptismal vows made for them by their parents through the rite of confirmation. For people who have not been baptized, this means being baptized and taking on the responsibilities of the baptismal vows through the rite of confirmation.

A progressive congregation dually aligned with the UCC and DOC
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