Nursery Care
Children's Sunday School
We have created our own curriculum using contemporary children™s books that focus on spirituality, Christian values, inclusivity, peace, love, and understanding. These classes are provided for toddlers through middle school.
Summer Camping
Niles Discovery Church encourages the participation of our children and youth and helps pay for their attendance with funds raising through our program (read more on the scrip program on this page).
Scrip Program
Youth Sunday School
Youth Group
Our Junior/Senior Hight Youth Group meets at Sunday School Time during the worship service on the second, fourth, and fifth Sundays of the month in the choir room. The youth group has additional special activities from time to time during the month. Youth group meetings are a time to develop friendships, build trust, service others, and learn more. Activities might include a trip to a neighboring faith community to learn more about them or preparing a skit for the church-wide talent show - or just checking in with each other. More information may be found on the "Youth" bulletin board in Ford Hall.
Permission slips are needed for off-site activities. You can download the permission slip here.
Confirmation Class