Worship Schedule - From July 28, 2024 to August 25, 2024
Date:  July 28, 2024 August 04, 2024 August 11, 2024 August 18, 2024 August 25, 2024
Time:  10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00
Title:  This is Our Earth Song Nurturing the Heart in Challenging Times
Preacher:  Rev. Jonathan Leavy Rev. Dr. Monica Joy Cross Rev. Jeffrey Spencer Rev. Jeffrey Spencer Rev. Jeffrey Spencer
Preacher Location:  Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary
CoPreacher Location:  Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary
Liturgical Date:  10th Sunday after Pentecost 11th Sunday after Pentecost 12th Sunday after Pentecost 13th Sunday after Pentecost 14th Sunday after Pentecost
Color:  Green Green Green Green Green
Primary Scripture:  2 Chronicles 5:11-14 John 6:24-35
Secondary Scripture:  (see notes in "Sermon Ideas" Psalm 51:1-12
Sermon in a sentence:  We are music, vibration and Holy Instruments of the Creator. Living in a time of great difficulty is necessary to nurture the heart. Spiritual disciplines are an important tool in nurturing the heart. Spiritual discipline helps us be conscious of our relationship with God, stay grounded, remain hopeful in times that may seem hopeless, and be that welcoming presence.
Anthem1 Title: 
Anthem1 Credit: 
Anthem2 Title: 
Anthem2 Credit: 
Hymn 1: 
Hymn 2: 
Hymn 3: 
Hymn 4: 
Other:  Rev. Jonathan Leavy Contact: jonathan.leavy@icloud.com 510-306-0210 Rev. Dr. Monica Joy Cross Contact: mcross@ccncn.org, monicajoy9@gmail.com 510-932-2491
Sermon Ideas:  The first reading for the service is "An Earth Song" by Langston Hughes, available at: https://poets.org/poem/earth-song Time with the Children and Youth should follow the secondary (Psalm 51) reading. Monica would like the focus to be on helping the children to be aware and mindful of the necessity to nurture their hearts and to see their need for Jesus in challenging times.
After Worship:  THM
Liturgist:  Joy Barnitz Mark Twist Riki Twist Judy Zlatnik none
Liturgist Location:  Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary none
TWTC:  Joy Barnitz Bee Newell Pastor Jeff Pastor Jeff none
TWTC Location:  Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary none
Communion Set Up:  Ray D'Ambrosio Liz Musgrave Ann Finlinson Peter Wilson
Communion Elder:  Mark Twist Sandy Thomas Joy Barnitz Liz Musgrave none
Communion Elder Location:  Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary none
Communion Pastor: 
Communion Pastor Location:  Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary
Accompanist:  Jenny Lin Jenny Lin Jenny Lin Jenny Lin Jenny Lin
Producer:  Jim Thomas Jim Thomas Jim Thomas Jim Thomas Jim Thomas
Testimony/KM/MM:  G: Judy Zlatnik M: G: K: none
T/KM/MM Location:  none
PowerPoint Presenter:  Joy Barnitz, John Smith Joy Barnitz, John Smith
Cyber Usher:  Carl Nordling Jasmine Zartman, Tim Zartman Bob Monkman Ron Qian, Gem McMeen
Cyber Greeter: 
Worship Attendants:  John Smith, Sybil Smith Peggy Cassity, Beth Rasler Mark Twist, Julie Ballard Karen Moddy, Keith Moody
Closing:  Bill Palleschi Tom Gunnarson Diane Harvey Ryan Ramseyer
Money Counters: 
CoffeeHour:  Melissa Palleschi, Judy Smith Amy Gunnarson, Marilyn Vermazen Vickey Kean, Marcia Allen Riki Twist, Sybil Smith
Teacher1:  Marilyn Vermazen, Beth Rasler Judy Hollowell, Sybil Smith Ingert Svaerd, Katy Wharton Kristina Wahlander, Barbara King
Teacher2:  Melissa Palleschi Riki Twist Melissa Palleschi
Gone:  JSS JSS
Special Note:  Flea Market
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