Communion Liturgy Examples

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Mary Magdalene: Apostle to the Apostles

Rev. Brenda Loreman
July 24, 2022
Gospel of Mary 4:1b-5:9
John 11:1-6, 17-27


Mary Magdalene was a brave, committed follower of Jesus, witness to the crucifixion and resurrection, and the first apostle commissioned by Jesus. A sermon by Rev. Brenda Loreman presented on July 24, 2022.
Scriptures: Gospel of Mary 4:1b-5:9 John 11:1-6, 17-27
Series: Know Your Mothers


Friends. As we prepare to celebrate communion, I encourage you to gather something to eat and drink, if you don't have it before you. And those who are in Zoom, I would remind you that you, if you're not already in gallery, view the click the gallery view so you can see an array of people. And lastly, when Pastor Brenda raises her grabbing cup, I encourage you to also raise your bread and cup here at the Niles Discovery Church. We remind one another that Jesus welcomes everyone at this table. There are no exceptions. No one is turned away. If you seek God's presence, come and eat. If you are hungry for spiritual food, come and eat. If you have questions and doubts, come and eat. If you feel unworthy, come and eat. This table is offered for all of us that each might experience God's abundant love and unconditional welcome. There is room for everyone at this table.


Please be with me in a moment of prayer. We give you thanks, oh God, for your grace and love that embraces all people and all nations. We thank that you sent Jesus, our teacher to us, who showed us a way of new life in a love that gathers all our diversity together as one body in Christ. Bless this meal that we share together today. As this broken bread was once scattered grain in the field and then gathered and became one loaf. So may we be brought together to make something wonderful as this cup of the new covenant was poured out so that all might share in the signs of new life. So may our lives be poured out in compassion to our brothers and sisters. Everywhere, for it is in the way of Jesus that we pray. Amen.



Eternal God, you have called your people from east and west, from north and south, to feast at the table of Jesus Christ. We thank you for Christ’s presence and for the spiritual food we have received. By the power of your Holy Spirit, keep us faithful to your will. Go with us to the streets, to our homes, and to our places of labor and leisure that whether we are gathered or scattered, we may be the servant church of the servant Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen.
A progressive congregation dually aligned with the UCC and DOC
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