Communion Liturgy Examples
The Encounter
Rev. Brenda Loreman
August 7, 2022
John 4:7-40
Psalm 146
When we seek out and remain open to new encounters, new people, and new relationships, we allow ourselves a spiritual rendezvous with humanity. A sermon by Rev. Brenda Loreman presented on August 7, 2022.
Scriptures: John 4:7-40 Psalm 146
Series: Quest: Travel As a Spiritual Act
As we prepare to share, to celebrate communion, please gather something to eat and something to drink. And when we catch the words of institution I invite you to raise your bread and cup as Pastor Brenda raises her bread and cup. Please wait until both bread and coke have been blessed before eating and drinking. Today, we gather at this table as a community of seekers. Pilgrims on a quest a quest to live our faith daily, to be the hands and feet of our creator in this uncertain world. God has work for us to do. So come to the table. This come as you are feast to be nourished for the work ahead. At this table, we are one community sharing one sacred hybrid space, not constrained by geography or by walls. We bring our whole selves to this table where there is always room for one more. All are welcome at this table, no matter where you are on your life's journey. You are welcome here now, just as you are.
Let us lift up our hearts and our minds and maybe even our bodies in prayer. Holy Wisdom. Creator. Divine Comforter. Let our whole being praise you fill us with wonder at the variety of the people we encounter that we may welcome the stranger we have not yet met. Wherever and whenever we meet. And that they may be, they may become part of. We bless the peace of our common cup. And the pieces of our broken bread. Holy one. Bless the food we've prepared for this shared table. Food for our individual and our collective journeys together in this community that our bodies are fed and our spirits nourished by the sense of belonging which is the most vital of foods. Amen.
We celebrate our gratitude, Divine Companion. As this spiritual meal has nourished us, inspire us to feed our neighbors and journey with the lonely. Through our co-creation together, may we spread love throughout our world and extend your hospitality to people in need. Amen.
A progressive congregation dually aligned with the UCC and DOC
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